Article 298: Assistance for illegal crossing of borders

Sheltering, accompanying, putting at the disposition or use of means of sea transport, air transport or other means of transport, with the purpose of assisting in the illegal crossing of the borders of the Republic of Albania or in the illegal entrance of a person in another country without being its citizen or without residence permit for that country, is punished with imprisonment of from one to four years.

 When the assistance is given for purposes of profit, it is punished with imprisonment of from three to seven years.

 When this offence is committed in collaboration or more than once or has brought serious consequences, it is punished with imprisonment of from five to ten years.

 When the offence has led to the death of the victim as a consequence, it is punishable with imprisonment of no less than fifteen years or with life imprisonment. When the criminal offence is committed through the utilization of a state function or public service, the punishment is increased by one fourth of the punishment given.

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