Article 64: Release on parole

The convict may be released from serving the sentence earlier on parole only for specific reasons, if his behavior and work demonstrate that, referring to the time served, the purpose of his education has been fulfilled, and he has served:

- no less than half of punishment time imposed for criminal contraventions;

- no less than two third of the punishment given for crimes punishable to imprisonment up to five years;

- no less than three fourth of the sentence imposed for crimes punished by over 5 years up to the maximum foreseen by the law, with the exemption of provisions of paragraph 3 of this article.

The time benefited based on an amnesty or pardon shall not be calculated into the served punishment.

It shall not be allowed to release on parole a recidivist for a crime committed with intent as well as a convict due to the commission of criminal offences provided for in Articles 78/a, 79/a, 79/b, 79/c or the third paragraph of Article 100.

Release on parole shall be revoked by the court, when the convict sentenced for an intentionally committed criminal offence, commits another intentional criminal offence during the parole period, applying the provisions on joining the punishments.

The court shall order the sentenced person to keep contact with the Probation Service during the probation period and fulfil one or some of the obligations foreseen in article 60 of the Code. When the sentenced person fails to contact the Probation Service, or fulfil the obligations foreseen in article 60, ordered by the court, the latter shall decide replacing the first sentence with another sentence, extending the period of monitoring during probation or revoking the decision on early conditional release.

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