Administrative courts are competent for:
a) Disputes that arise from individual administrative acts, normative subordinate legal acts and public administrative contracts issued during the exercise of administrative activity by the public organ;
b) Disputes that arise because of unlawful interference or failure to act by the public organ;
c) Disputes of competences between various administrative organs in the cases provided by the Code of Administrative Procedures;
ç) Disputes in the field of labour relations of civil servants, judicial civil servants, civil servants of prosecution offices, and state servants whose labour relations are governed by special arrangements, under the organic law. Public administration employees at courts or prosecution offices are excluded from this rule, whose labour relations are regulated by the Labour Code.”
d) Requests submitted by administrative organs for the examination of administrative infractions as to which the law provides deprivation of liberty up to 30 days as a type of administrative sentence for the infringer;
dh) Requests submitted by infringers for the substitution of the administrative sentence of deprivation of liberty up to 30 days by a sentence of a fine.