1The High Judicial Council shall continuously monitor the caseload and workload of courts, based on the data collected, aiming at improving the efficiency of courts or at reducing the workload of judges and court staff.
2The High Judicial Council shall elaborate and publish by end of June of each year an annual report on the caseload and workload of courts for the previous calendar year, including recommendations for improving the efficiency of courts or for reducing the workload of judges and court staff.
3The High Judicial Council shall, at least every five years, assess the number of judges per court and, if appropriate, redefine the number of judges after having received the opinion of the Court Council.
4The process of determining the number of judges per court shall take into account the objectives as set out in Article 14 of this Law, aiming at ensuring a balanced workload for all judges in Albania. The process shall be carried out in a transparent manner following an analysis of the annual reports and the effectiveness of the measures taken for the implementation of recommendations established in the annual reports, according to paragraph 2 of this Article.