1. Subjects that shall be beneficiaries of legal aid are:
a) albanian citizens with domicile or residence in the territory of the Republic of Albania;
b) foreign citizens or stateless persons, who stay in the territory of the Republic of Albania for a temporary or permanent period and who have been equipped with permit of stay in compliance with the legislation in force on foreigners;
c) foreign citizens or stateless persons, that enter legally in the territory of the Republic of Albania, and that benefit it on the basis of international agreements ratified by the Republic of Albania or based on the principle of reciprocity;
ç) asylum seekers, persons entitled to the status of refugee and persons that are in the process of appeal of administrative and/or judicial decisions for the refusal of the application for asylum or revocation of the decision on the status of refugee in accordance with the legislation in force for asylum in the Republic of Albania.
2. The subjects foreseen in paragraph 1 of this article shall benefit legal aid, if fulfilling the criteria foreseen in this law.