Article 110-a: Trafficking in adult persons

The recruitment, transport, transfer, hiding or reception of persons through threat or the use of force or other forms of compulsion, kidnapping, fraud, abuse of office or taking advantage of social, physical or psychological condition or the giving or receipt of payments or benefits in order to get the consent of a person who controls another person, with the purpose of exploitation of prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or forms similar to slavery, putting in use or transplanting organs, as well as other forms of exploitation, both within and beyond the territory of the Republic of Albania, shall be punishable by imprisonment from eight to fifteen years.

When such offence is committed against an adult female person, it shall be punishable by imprisonment of from ten to fifteen years.

The organization, management and financing of the trafficking of persons is punished with imprisonment of from seven to fifteen years.

 When such offence is committed in collaboration, more than once, accompanied with maltreatment and forcing the victim to commit various actions through the use of physical or psychological violence, causing serious consequences to the health or threatening his life, is punishable by imprisonment of no less than fifteen years

When the offence as a consequence has caused the death of the victim, it is punished by imprisonment of no less than twenty years or with life imprisonment.

When the criminal offence is committed through the utilization of a state function or public service, the punishment of imprisonment is increased by (¼) one fourth of the punishment given.

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