Article 230: Acts of terrorist intention

Commission of the following acts, with the intent to spread panic among the population, or compel the state bodies, Albanian or foreign, to perform or not perform a certain act, or seriously destroy or destabilize substantial political, constitutional, economic or social structures of the Albanian state, another state, international institution or organisation, shall be punishable by imprisonment of no less than fifteen years, or life imprisonment.

Offences for terrorist purposes shall include:

a) offences against a person, which can cause death or grave injury;

b) hijacking of aircraft, vessel, other means of transport, or fixed platforms, or unlawful exercise of control over them, by force or threat to use force, or any other forms of threat;

c) commission of acts of violence against a person on board of an aircraft in flight, aboard a ship or on board a fixed platform, where those acts might jeopardize the safety of aircraft, ship, or fixed platform;

ç) destruction of an aircraft in operation, ship or a fixed platform, or causing such damage to aircraft, vessel or its cargo, or fixed platform, which render impossible or endanger or might endanger the safety of flight, navigation or fixed platform;

d) planting, by any means, in an aircraft in service, ship or fixed platform, a device or substance that could destroy the aircraft, ship or fixed platform, or cause damage to aircraft, vessel or its cargo, or fixed platform, and which endangers or might endanger the safety of flight, cruise ship or fixed platform;

dh) destruction of or damage to flight hardware or marine navigational equipment or interference with their operation, where such an act could endanger the safety of aircraft or vessel;

e) dissemination of information that is known to be untrue, thereby risking the safety of an aircraft in flight or sailing ship;

ë) murdering or kidnapping an internationally protected person, under Article 9 of this Code, or any other attack against him/her or his/her freedom;

f) a violent attack against the office, private apartment or means of transport of an internationally protected person, under Article 9 of this Code, where this attack endangers his/her person or freedom;

g) taking hostage or kidnapping a person and threatening to kill, injure or continue holding him hostage;

gj) receipt, possession, use, transfer, disposal, disposition or proliferation of nuclear material, intentionally and without being legally authorised, that causes or could cause death or serious injury to any person, or serious damage to property;

h) theft, misappropriation or benefit through nuclear materials fraud;

i) soliciting nuclear materials using coercion, violence or any other form of threat;

j) manufacture, possession, purchase, transportation or marketing of explosives, firearms, biological, chemical or nuclear weapons, and research for the production of mass destruction weapons;

k) committing acts of violence, using any device, substance or weapon, against a person in an international civil aviation airport, where those acts cause or might cause serious injuries, or death of persons;

l) destruction of or serious damage to facilities or equipment in an international civil aviation airport or plane located at the airport that is not in flight, or disruption of airport services, using any device or weapon, where that act endangers or could endanger the security of the airport;

ll) proliferation, placement, discharge or setting off of explosives or other lethal ordnance in public places, offices of a state or government, public transportation system or public infrastructure, and distribution in the environment of hazardous substances causing fires, floods, explosions, for purposes of causing death or serious bodily harm or massive destruction of the above-mentioned locations, facilities or systems, where that disaster could result in major economic loss;

m) heavy and large scale destruction of public property, public infrastructure, transportation system, information system and private property, endangering the lives of people;

n) causing interruption of supply with water, electricity or any other important utilities;

or any other acts intended to cause death or serious injury to civilians or any other person who is not taking an active part in hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, committed for the purposes set out in the first paragraph of this Article.

Actions that cause the disruption of an important service, system, public or private activity, as a result of protests, civil disobedience, or strike, shall not be considered offences for terrorist purposes under the meaning of this Article.”.

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