The participation of an employee who carries out a state duty in the civil service or in a non-political function in the state administration, in contradiction with the law, in the electoral activities or campaign of one political party or of a candidate in elections, constitutes a criminal offence and is punishable by imprisonment of 6 months to three years.
The obligation or the organization of the pupils of the pre-university education, by employees who carry out a state duty in the public education, or a task or function in the private education, to participate in the electoral activities of an electoral subject constitutes a criminal offence and is punishable by imprisonment of six months to three years.
The obligation or the request addressed to the citizens by an employee who carries out a state task, to participate or not to participate in the elections, to support or not a political party or one candidate in the elections, or to vote in a certain way, against their will or under the threat of exercising administrative or disciplinary measures constitutes a criminal offence and is punishable by imprisonment of one year to three years.
The use of the public goods, the function or the state activity or of the financial or human resources by an employee, who carries out a state duty, to favour a political party or a candidate in the elections, in contradiction with the law and the purpose of the duty constitutes a criminal offence and is punishable by imprisonment of one year to three years.