1. A lawsuit against an administrative action is submitted in court within 45 days. This time limit begins from:
a) The date of notification, in the manner defined by law, of the administrative act of the superior organ that has examined the administrative appeal;
b) The date of notification, in the manner determined by law, of the administrative act, in cases when the act is appealed directly to court;
c) The date of publication of the administrative act, in cases when the law provides the obligation to publish the act;
รง) The date of receipt of knowledge of the unlawful interference of a public organ over the legal interests and rights of the subject, with any kind of action that does not meet the conditions and form of the administrative act;
d) The date of the end of the legal time limit for the issuance of the administrative act in cases of failure of an administrative organ to act, when the administrative act that was asked to be issued is appealed directly to court;
dh) The date of the end of the legal time limit for the examination of the administrative appeal, in cases of the failure of the higher administrative organ to act.
2. The above time limit is one year, in cases when the administrative act does not clearly show the right and time limit of the lawsuit. In case of failure to submit the lawsuit within one year because the instructions in the administrative act do not give accurate information about the right to a lawsuit, the lawsuit is even submitted after one year, but in any case, no later than 30 days from the date when the plaintiff has received knowledge of the existence of the right to a lawsuit and only when the plaintiff gives credible explanations about those circumstances in his lawsuit.
3. A lawsuit against a normative subordinate legal act should be submitted to court within three years from the date of entry of the act into force.
4. Lawsuits for the compensation of extra-contractual damage are submitted to court according to the time periods provided in the separate law.
5. Lawsuits for disputes in the field of labour relations are submitted to court according to the time periods provided in the legislation that regulates labour relations.
6. A lawsuit for the resolution of disputes of competences between different administrative organs is submitted within six months from the arising of the dispute.
7. The above time periods are fixed, and a violation of them causes the loss of the right to a lawsuit. These time periods are examined by the court even on its own initiative.
8. A lawsuit for finding the absolute invalidity of an administrative act may be brought at any time.