1In cases where the notification as per the above Article is not feasible and the addressee is not found, the official of the public organ shall make the delivery through a third party who agrees to deliver the notification to the addressee in the following order of preference:
aa family member who has reached the age of 16, in the place of notification provided in letter “a)” paragraph 1 of Article 151 of this Code,
ban adult neighbour, in the place of notification, provided by Article151, paragraph 1, letter “a” of this Code;
can employee or doorman in the place of notification, as provided in letter ‘c)” to “d)” of paragraph 1 of article 151 of this Code;
2The delivery specified in paragraph 1 of this article shall not be done through a person participating in the same procedure with conflicting interests with the addressee.
3The third person who agrees to make the delivery should sign the minutes, whereby he/she assumes to deliver it to the summoned person. The public official shall include in the minutes data on the relationship of the third person with the addressee, data on the identification of the delivered written document, and the date it was handed over to the third person.
4In case the third person refuses to receive anything, the official shall make the relevant note in the minutes, and where possible, prove such refusal with the signature of a present witness.
5In the case provided for by paragraph 4 of this article, the written document shall be left in the mailbox of the place where the addressee is dwelling or residing. The date and time of putting in the mailbox, along with the date which shall be considered as the notification date under paragraph 6 and 7 of this Article, shall be marked by the official on the envelope of the written document, and reflected in the respected minutes.
6The delivery shall be considered as made after 3 days from the day of receipt of the written document by the third persons, or the date of placing in the mailbox.
7The delivery under this article shall be made only during business days and between 7:00 to 19:00 hours.