1This Code shall apply in cases where a public body, during the exercise of the administrative powers regulated by administrative law:
adecides on the rights, duties and legal interest of persons, and in any other case, when the law explicitly provides for the issuance of an administrative act;
bconcludes an administrative contract or performs another administrative action, which concerns the rights, duties and legal interests of persons.
2The provisions of this Code shall also apply in cases where:
apublic or private legal entities exercising self-regulatory functions in the area of regulated professions, established by law, or being conferred the right to exercise such functions, decide in line with letter “a)”, of paragraph 1 of this Article, as per the legislation in force;
bprivate persons who are conferred the right to exercise public functions, duties, or competencies, decide in line with letter “a)” of paragraph 1 of this Article, as per the legislation in force;
cpublic or private legal entities, which provide public services, decide on the rights and duties of the service users.
3The principles stipulated in this Code shall apply as appropriate also to the normative sub-legal acts.