1The High Justice Inspector, in the exercise of his functions, shall have the following competences:
arepresent the Office of the High Justice Inspector in relations with third parties;
bensure cooperation of the Office of the Inspector with other public and private entities when exercising its functions;
cissue general orders of administrative or procedural nature on the progress and methods of work, for coordinating the work among the inspectors, or among them and other public bodies, for ensuring the uniform interpretation and application of the law relating to the verification of complaints, the investigation of misconducts and the inspection, for ensuring the compliance with ethical and professional performance rules by inspectors and administrative staff, and for any other matters of a general nature after receiving the opinion of the inspectors’ meeting;
çissue non-binding orders concerning concrete cases dealt by the inspectors;
dreport, not less than once a year, to the Assembly on the work of the Office of the High Justice Inspector in the preceding year;
dhapprove the annual plan of institutional and thematic inspections;
edetermine the criteria for qualification and other requirements for the position of inspectors and administrative staff in accordance with this Law, the law “On the Status of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania” and the law “On Civil Servants”;
ësupervise and manage methodologically the work of inspectors;
finvestigate disciplinary misconducts of inspectors;
gconvene and chair the General Meeting of Inspectors;
gjconvene and chair the meetings of the Committee of Appointments and Evaluation of Inspectors;
hsupervise and direct the administration of the Office of the Inspector;
iallocate cases to the inspectors and decide on their replacement based on objective and transparent criteria taking into account the workload, experience, qualifications and possible legal obstacles of the inspectors;
japprove the draft decisions of the inspectors;
kperform any other tasks assigned by law.
2The inspectors, the administrative staff of the Office of the High Justice Inspector and any other interested subject may request the repeal of a general instruction of the High Justice Inspector before the Administrative Court of Appeal;
3General orders of the High Justice Inspector, referred to in paragraph 1, letter “c” of this Article shall be published in the official website of the High Justice Inspector.
4Non-binding instructions of the High Justice Inspector, referred to in paragraph 1, letter “ç” of this Article, shall always be in writing. If the inspector to whom the instruction is addressed does not agree with the non-binding instruction, he/she shall inform the High Justice Inspector in writing giving relevant explanations. The instructions of the High Inspector, the objections of the inspector and the answers of the High Inspector shall become part of the relevant file;
5The High Inspector may, to the effect of performing his/her functions, confer certain competences in writing to specific inspectors or directors of administrative units of the Office of the Inspector in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure.