1All state authority bodies and all legal entities which, in performing their activities, become aware of circumstances and data for criminal offences referred to in Article 75/a of the Criminal Procedural Code, shall have the duty to report these circumstances or to inform the National Bureau of Investigation or the Special Prosecution Office immediately.
2All state authority bodies have the duty to cooperate with the Special Prosecution Office and National Bureau of Investigation in investigations in accordance to the legislation in force.
3The Special Prosecution Office and the National Bureau of Investigation shall have direct access to information systems or databases maintained by State Authorities that contain information relevant to investigations of criminal offences under Article 75/a of the Criminal Procedure Code. State Authority bodies have the obligation to provide the information within 24 hours or, if a database exists, establish direct access for the Special Prosecution Office. This access shall be permanently established within a reasonable time, but no more than 6 months, after a written request of the Chief Special Prosecutor to the head of the State Authority.
4The provisions of paragraph 3 of this article do not extend to information systems or databases which are certified to contain state secrets. Access by the Special Prosecution Office and the National Bureau of Investigation to information in such systems or databases shall be in accordance with the legislation regarding state secret classified information.