1The candidate for Director of the National Bureau of Investigation should fulfill all criteria provided in Article 6, paragraph 3, Article 37, and paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 38 of this law. He/she must complete successfully all preselection criteria and completed the approved training course for the National Bureau of Investigation.
2The candidate for the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation can be the person who has the Albanian citizenship only, who has high professional and moral qualities, and who meet the following criteria:
ahas completed the second level of law studies and obtained a diploma equivalent to "Master of Science", or police high education.
bHas work experience as prosecutor, employee of the State Police or Judicial Police, or Investigator of the National Bureau of Investigation.
chas at least 5 years of work experience with cases of corruption, organized crime or serious crimes.
çIf the candidate has been or is an employee of the State Police, he/she has held for not less than 3 years a rank "Commissar", "Chief Commissar", "Commander/Leader" or "First Commander/ Leader".
dis not under investigation or trial for a criminal offense, and he/she is not in conditions of ineligibility on a public function, under law no. 138/2015 "On ensuring the integrity of the persons elected, appointed or exercising public functions", amended, and sign Self-Declaration form in accordance to that law.
dhHas not held political positions in public administration or other leading positions in political parties for at least the past ten years before the moment of nomination.
eHas received the maximum rating for his professional skills, ethics and moral integrity, if he/she has been subject of previous evaluation processes, according to the legislation in force.
ëNo disciplinary measures of "dismissal" or others have been taken against him, which, under the law, is still in force at the time of nomination;
fHas not been and is not a collaborator, informer or agent of any intelligence service;
gin the period 29.11.1944 - 07.02.1991, has not been a member or a candidate of the Political Bureau, Central Committee, member of the Labor Party of Albania, member of the Presidium of the People’s Assembly, Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, Prosecutor General, Chairperson of General Investigation Unit, member of the Council of Ministers, Chief of the Branches of the Interior issues, employees in the branches of the former State Security Services, collaborator of the former State Security Services or favored person, member of the Central Deportation and Internment Commission, investigator, prosecutor, judge in political processes, whistleblower or witness of the prosecution in special political processes.
gjshall give consent to undergo the polygraph test. The results/ information of the report prepared by the polygraph specialists shall be taken into account during the selection process.
3The selection procedure of the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, guarantees an opened and honest competition between many candidates, objective evaluation of the fulfillment of conditions and criteria, transparency and other standards of a fair process. Fulfillment of the criteria set out in this article, shall be proved with accompanying documentation of the request sent by the candidate and the official information obtained from other public institutions, including confidential information about candidates.