1Before appointment, candidates for judges and other positions within the Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Courts, candidates for prosecutors and other positions within the Special Prosecution Office, and candidates for director, deputy director, investigator, and officers of the judicial police services and other positions with the National Bureau of Investigation shall sign the appropriate waiver form in Annexes B1 and B2 of this law, which waives their right to expect privacy in their telecommunications and in their financial records. This waiver shall be signed before they are assigned or employed.
2Close family members of the persons under Paragraph 1 shall also sign the appropriate waiver form at Annex B3 of this law to signify their understanding of the conditions.
3Upon assignment or employment, judges and other positions within the Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Courts, prosecutors and other positions within the Special Prosecution Office, and director, deputy director, investigator, officers of the judicial police services and other positions with the National Bureau of Investigation shall each have a mobile phone, email address and telephone number provided by the Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Courts or organs of the Special Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Structure, and they shall agree to only use those phone numbers and email addresses. They shall not be allowed to use any other form of electronic communication. The phone number and email address shall be subject to periodic monitoring by the Responsible Officer in the National Bureau of Investigation.
4The judges and other positions within the Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Courts, prosecutors and other positions within the Special Prosecution Office, and director, deputy director, investigators, officers of the judicial police services and other positions with the National Bureau of Investigation shall complete and sign the disclosure of their financial accounts and the financial accounts of their close family members, at Annex C of this law. This shall be submitted to the Responsible Officer within the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering (GDPML). The financial accounts will be subject to periodic monitoring by the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering (GDPML). All new accounts shall be disclosed within 3 days.