1Magistrates who are seconded at the date of the entry into force of this law shall be subject to the terms of this law to the possible extent.
2The seconded magistrate by decision of other institutions, according to the provisions of the previous law, whose secondment term ends before the establishment of the Council, shall be reinstated to the previous position.
3The secondment term shall end according to the time limits defined in the secondment decision, unless:
athe magistrate requests within one month after the establishment of the Councils, to terminate the secondment before the end of the mandate;
bthere are grounds to terminate the appointment of the magistrate in accordance with Part III Chapter VIII of this Law or as a result of the re-evaluation process in accordance with the Law “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania.
4If the magistrate requests a renewal of the secondment term, the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council shall decide according to the provisions of this Law.
5The seconded magistrate shall be subject to the re-evaluation process in accordance with the law “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.