Article 66: Inelectibility and incompatibility

1The status of a magistrate shall end on the day where competent authority establishes the causes of the inelectibility as follows:

athe magistrate does not fulfil the criteria set out in Article 28 of this Law;

bthe appointment decision is invalid and does not bring about legal consequences and is declared null and void.

2The status of a magistrate shall end when the Council decides that he/she does not comply with the rules on the compatibility as set out in the provisions of Article 6 of this Law.

3Any concerned authority, the chairperson and the magistrate shall independently inform the Council on grounds of inelectibility or incompatibility causing the termination of the status of the magistrate. In such instances, the magistrate shall refrain from exercising the function as magistrate.

4The Councils shall declare by decision the termination of the magistrate status not later than two weeks upon getting notice of grounds of inelectibility or incompatibility.

5The decision shall state the date of the end of the mandate of the magistrate as set out in paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article.

6Any action accomplished by the magistrate following this date shall be invalid and it shall be deemed to have brought no legal consequences and considered null and void.

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