1Joint Chambers are chaired by the Chairperson of the High Court or in his/her absence by the deputy chairperson.
2The Joint Chambers adjudicate when no less than two thirds of all the judges of the High Court take part.
3The decision is taken by the majority vote of the judges who take part in adjudication. In the event of a tie, a fresh vote shall be taken and, if there is still a tie, the chairperson shall have a casting vote.
4When the High Court adjudicates in Joint Chambers according to Article 32 paragraph 1 of this Law, along with the rapporteur of the case in the adjudication panel that has presented the case, another rapporteur from another panel dealing with the interpretation of the same issue is assigned by lot. The rapporteurs, independently, prepare their reports on the interpretation of the law, the state of the case law, legal doctrine positions and present them before the Joint Chambers.