1If there are reasons to believe that the performance of duty by a judicial civil servant, against whom a disciplinary investigation or proceeding has been initiated, would impede the disciplinary investigation or would seriously impede the proper performance of duties by the judicial civil servant, the competent authority in the sense of paragraph 1 Article 69 shall submit a request for suspension to the competent authority.
2The competent authority shall suspend a judicial civil servant ex officio in the sense of Article 69 paragraph 2 of this Law, or upon the request in the sense of paragraph 1 Article 69 of this Law, or shall take any other appropriate and proportionate measure.
3Suspension can be imposed for a maximum of 90 days only in cases of very serious offences and where the continuation of duty may be prejudicial to the investigation of the case, to the service or to the prestige and dignity of the function.
4Suspension shall be enforced in a manner that assures the personal and professional dignity of a judicial civil servant.