1A child defendant, against whom the security measure of detention is taken, shall be placed only in the juvenile section of detention facilities, whereas the child sentenced to imprisonment shall be placed in the institution of execution of criminal sentences for children.
2The services in detention and prison institutions where the child defendant/sentenced is placed must be in compliance with the requirements of respect for health and dignity of the child and serve to re-socialisation, re-integration, rehabilitation and prevention of recidivism or commission of another criminal offence by providing care, assistance and supervision to the child.
3To guarantee the best interest of the child, the respective detention or prison facility shall be provided with sufficient number of staff, qualified and trained on constant basis.
4The staff of detention and prison facilities for children shall consist of at least a doctor, a nurse, a psychologist, a social worker. The institution, where appropriate must provide the assistance of a paediatrician, psychiatric doctor or other specialists according to the needs and the defined inspection regime.
5Children in Institutions of Execution of Criminal Sentences for children or sections for children shall be under visual and/or electronic monitoring and control. Special rules concerning monitoring and control shall be defined in the General Regulation of Prisons.