1A detainee/sentenced child shall be provided with medical care and treatment, including but not limited to:
apsychiatric/psychological and mental health services;
bdrug and alcohol rehabilitation services;
cdental and ophthalmologic care;
çsexual and reproduction health care service;
dHIV/AIDS treatment;
dhservices related to premature childbirth in the case of pregnant girls; and
eregular medical check-ups including, where appropriate, gynaecological examination;
ëcare to discovering any other situation which may hinder integration of the child in the society.
2Any prison or detention facilities for children must ensure immediate access to the adequate medical objects/facilities and equipment in relation to the number and requests of the prisoners and staff trained for the preventive medical care and treatment of medical emergencies.
3If necessary medical care may not be provided within the prison/detention institution, the child shall have the right to obtain a permit and in an emergency case, to be given permission to undergo medical check-up and receive the necessary medical treatment.
4A child who is sick or complaints of a sickness or shows symptoms of physical or mental problems must be immediately examined/checked by the doctor.
5Consent of the child to any medical treatment must be obtained once the child is informed thereof.
6When life of the child may be at risk or the child may suffer permanent health injury and refuses to give consent to medical treatment, such consent must be obtained by the parent or legal representative of the child and in their absence by the court.
7When according to the doctor urgent treatment is required to protect the health or life of the child and/or health of others, treatment shall be provided without obtaining first the consent of the parent or legal representative of the child.
8The child shall be examined and treated by a doctor of the same gender or gender of the child’s choice.
9Each medical treatment period shall be calculated as part of the period of the sentence of the child.
10If, following medical examination, it is found that the child has suffered physical abuse or sexual abuse before placement or during stay in an Institution of Execution of Criminal Sentences for children, the doctor shall immediately notify the competent prosecutor's office. Following such notification, the prosecutor's office shall take measures, immediately, to provide free legal advice in order to support the child in any claim.
11The medical report and the treatment data shall be recorded and kept in the personal file of the child. Such data shall be transferred to any other institution of execution of criminal sentences where the child may be placed.