1. The administrative courts of first instance, the Administrative Court of Appeal and the Administrative College of the High Court begin their functioning at the same time.
2. The number of judges of the High Court that will be added to the current number of members of that court to create the Administrative College is defined in law no. 8588 dated 15 March 2000 “On the organisation and functioning of the High Court”.
3. The functioning of the administrative courts begins after:
a) The entry into force of the legal regulations in law no. 8588 dated 15 March 2000 “On the organisation and functioning of the High Court” for the creation of the Administrative College of that court;
b) The creation of the infrastructure necessary for the normal exercise of their activity.
4. The Council of Ministers is charged with taking the measures necessary to meet the obligation that derives from point 3/b of this article.
5. The date of starting of the functioning of the administrative courts is set by decree of the President of the Republic, on the proposal of the Minister of Justice. The Minister of Justice makes the proposal after the requirements of point 2 of this article have been fulfilled and after having first received the opinion of the High Council of Justice.