1A party that has submitted a request may complete or amend it, only when the purpose of the amended request is based on the same factual situation as the initial request.
2The party may entirely or partly, with a written request, withdraw from the administrative procedure and renounce his legal rights and interests, except when prohibited by the law. The amendment or withdrawal of the request may be done at any time, as long as the public organ has not taken a final decision. After the withdrawal of the party, the public organ shall decide for the termination of the administrative procedure. In such a case the public body shall notify the other parties, if any.
3The decision of the public body to terminate the administrative proceeding, following the withdrawal of one of the parties may be appealed by any other party.
4The withdrawal of one party shall not lead to the end of the administrative procedure, if the public body considers that the continuity of the procedure is to the public interest or the legal interest of the other parties.