1The High Justice Inspector shall be elected by the Assembly from among the ranks of the candidates selected and ranked by the Justice Appointments Council.
2The Justice Appointments Council shall select candidates to be appointed as High Justice Inspector subject to the following rules:
aThe Justice Appointments Council shall announce the vacancy publicly, by indicating the application deadline, documents to be submitted, as well as the requirements of eligibility and selection criteria;
b"çdo kandidat, që i përgjigjet shpalljes publike, paraqet të paktën dokumentet e mëposhtme: i) jetëshkrimin e përditësuar; ii) një deklaratë personale motivimi, ku shpjegon arsyen e kandidimit dhe objektivat që synon të ndjekë nëse emërohet; iii) një deklaratë përkundrejt përgjegjësisë ligjore që nuk ka qenë anëtar, bashkëpunëtor ose i favorizuar i ish-Sigurimit të Shtetit para 2 korrikut 1991 në kuptimin e ligjit “Për të drejtën e informimit për dokumentet e ish-Sigurimit të Shtetit të Republikës Popullore Socialiste të Shqipërisë”; iv) një deklaratë përkundrejt përgjegjësisë ligjore se nuk është bashkëpunëtor, informator ose agjent i ndonjë shërbimi sekret; v) formularin e vetëdeklarimit, sipas kërkesave të ligjit “Për garantimin e integritetit të personave që zgjidhen, emërohen ose ushtrojnë funksione publike”; vi) çdo dokument tjetër, që vërteton përmbushjen e kushteve ligjore të parashikuara në këtë ligj; "
cThe Justice Appointments Council shall, without any delay and in any case, no later than three months before the expiry of the term of the incumbent High Justice Inspector, announce the call for submission of applications;
çThe Assembly may send a reminder to the Chairperson of the Justice Appointments Council regarding the obligations under this paragraph and any other information deemed necessary for the starting date of the process of selection of candidates and the timetable of actions;
dThe Justice Appointments Council, without delay, and in any case, not later than one month after the expiry of the application deadline, shall consider whether the applications submitted fulfil the conditions for appointment in accordance with Article 199, paragraph 1, of this law;
dhIn the event of the early termination of the mandate, the procedure shall begin immediately and shall be completed within two months from then starting date;
eThe Justice Appointments Council shall allow the candidacy of the candidates who meet the formal requirements, as well as rank the candidates referring to the criteria provided for in accordance Article 240, paragraph 2;
ëThe ranking list of eligible candidates and the reasons for the disqualification of candidates, if applicable, shall be published on the official website of the High Court and forwarded to the Assembly within three days;
fIf the Assembly fails to reach the required majority for any candidate within thirty days from the submission of proposals, the candidate ranked first on the list shall be considered appointed.