Article 248: Tasks, meetings and decision-making of the Steering Council

1The Steering Council has these tasks:

acooperate with the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council for the application of the recruitment procedures related to candidates who will study in the School of Magistrates, based on the law "On the Status of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”;

bfollow up the implementation of criteria defined in the law “On the Status of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania” for the admission of the candidates who will attend the initial training and publish their final list;

cappoint and dismiss from duty the teaching staff, upon the proposal of a majority of members of the Steering Council or the Director of the School;

çdefine, within the budget, the organisational structure and the criteria of appointment of administrative staff;

dapprove and follow up the implementation of the Internal Regulation of the School and the annual program of its activities;

dhapprove, upon a proposal of the Director, the training programme and the programme of each subject of initial training, the responsible professors and their workload;

epropose the draft budget and examines the Director’s reports on the implementation of the budget and expenditure and revenues;

ësubmit an annual report to the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council on the results achieved and the future work plan;

fapprove the content and the schedule of the continuous training as well as the list of trainers / experts of this training, by ensuring facilities for the School of Magistrates to update the training topics and, where appropriate, changes in the schedule;

gapprove agreements that the School of Magistrates concludes for the implementation of the training of others groups;

gjassign full-time professors as members to the Disciplinary Commission of the school, the Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutor for disciplinary issues for a three years’ term that is not renewable.

2The Steering Council meets at least once every three months. The time, place and topics of the agenda of the meeting are set by the Chairperson. Not less than three members of the Council or the Director of the School are entitled to call a meeting of the Steering Council and include topics in the agenda. The Council meets not later than 15 days from the submission of a written request.

3The meetings are valid when no less than half of the members are present. Decisions are taken by a majority of votes and, in case of a tie, the vote of the chairperson is a casting vote. Decisions are taken through open voting, based on the law “On the functioning of collegial bodies of the state administration and public entities”.

4Unless otherwise provided in this law, the rules and procedures foreseen in the law “On the functioning of collegial bodies of the state administration and public entities” shall apply for the holding of meetings and decision-making of the Steering Council of the School of Magistrates.

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