1The administration of the High Judicial Council shall be divided, at least, in the following units:
aSupport Unit for general legal issues;
bSupport Unit for each standing committee of the Council;
cSupport Unit for the administration of the budget of the Council and the judicial budget;
çThe Office of the Ethics Advisor;
dSupport Unit for public relations and publications;
dhSupport Unit for information technology;
eSupport Unit for the training of judges and judicial civil servants.
2Regarding the administration, the Council shall decide on the following:
aThe structure of the administration and the structure of each unit;
bEstablishment of other organizational units within the administration;
cDefinition of duties and responsibilities of all organizational units of the administration and individual positions;
çProcedural rules under which the administration operates in such a way as to provide efficient and effective support to the Council and its Committees.