1. The best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration by the competent bodies in any decision taken and activity performed under this Code.
2. In implementing this principle, the following shall be considered:
a. needs of the child for physical and psychological development, education and health, security and sustainability and also child upbringing/belonging to a family;
b. views of the child, in accordance with the age and maturity of the child;
c. history of the child, considering the special situations of abuse, neglect, exploitation or other forms of child violence, and the potential risk that similar situations may occur in the future;
ç. capacity of the parents or persons in charge of child upbringing to respond to the needs of the child;
d. continuity of personal relations between the child and the parents, with whom the child has gender, social and/or spiritual relations.
3. Decisions and acts of the competent bodies must contain a special reasoning related to how the best interest of the child is analysed and how it will be ensured.