1The prosecuting body, during the stages of criminal proceedings, shall guarantee the application of rights of the child in order to protecting the child from self-incrimination by guaranteeing the right to remain silent and not to testify.
2The prosecuting body, during cross-examination of the child shall guarantee decent treatment in compliance with the international standards of human rights and rights of the child.
3The physical and/or psychological maltreatment of a child during cross-examination or with the intent to obtain any information from the child shall be prohibited.
4The prosecuting body shall preliminarily consult the psychologist on the content of questions to be made to the child in order to make the question properly, facilitate the giving of testimony, avoid intimidation or reluctance from the process.
5The child shall be questioned in the presence of the defence counsel and psychologist. The legal/procedural representative may participate during interrogation if the child so consents.
6The language used during the cross-examination of the child must be as friendly as possible and communication must be as clearly as possible.
7When questioning the child in conflict with the law, in addition to the provisions of this article, where appropriate, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall apply to the extent they do not contradict this Code.