1The magistrate’s dismissal from duty shall be imposed as a disciplinary action only in the following cases:
athe misconduct is very serious,
bthe Council is satisfied that the nature and circumstances of the misconduct render the magistrate unfit or unworthy to continue to hold his or her office, due to a conviction for commission of a crime, due to gross and blatant incompetence, or due to the conduct committed at least gross negligence according to article 101 letter “b” of this Law, and that manifestly violates the core judicial and prosecutorial values.
2In case where a magistrate of the court or from a position in the special court for the adjudication of the criminal offences of corruption and organised crime or of the Special Prosecution Office releases sensitive information, whether through gross negligence according to article 101 letter “b” of this law or intentionally, or commits any other serious misconduct, he/she shall be imposed the disciplinary measure of dismissal.